Thursday, February 17, 2011

Live high

Today was a pretty good day.

What's on your mind?

For some reason...the song Unfaithful by Rihanna is in my head.

Spring Break....2 more weeks....yesssss

"Everyday I wake up...I poor myself a cup.."

Valpo is calling this weekend!

D.Rose > san antonio spurs.

Pujols...I can honestly care less....

Grey Goose.

I love that I'm working out again

I wanna be good enough


Be still my soul


Bruno Mars let me down during the Grammies..


Roosevelt're too damn expensive

Can I please just be super talented in musical theatre and just do that for the rest of my life?? ugh.

Or can I just be 6'5''?? Basketball?

Gotta love being Filipino..

I'm studying abroad...mind is made.

I admire people who are doing the 365 challenge on fb...thinking about doing the 30 day challenge. HA

Twitter is so confusing.

ST.LOUIS IS NOT THE MOST DANGEROUS CITY IN THE U.S....we're just the most honest...think about it idiots..

I watch the Bachelor...get over it.

Bieber can actually sing.....doesn't mean I like him.

I have some very important decisions to make in the next 2 weeks!


love ya

miss ya

time for some screw drivers.


"Lose one friend...lose all friends...lose yourself."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mr. Therapy Man

This semester has been FLYING. Which is fantastic because I am SOOO ready for summer. Why?

1. I'm ready to work. It's impossible to get a job in Chicago.

2. I miss driving my car!

3. Missing the fam.


5. Ice Cream Haven and TroSno


My last couple summers have honestly been fantastic. Found love, lost love, made great friends, and built strong relationships. That's just life! And I can only pray that summer 2011 doesn't let me down. I don't think it will since I will be turning 21 ;) I hope I can do some type of show or musical again this summer. Hell...I just want to siiing. LEHHGO!


I have no more complaints about life. Lately you may have thought I've been extremely sad and extremely emotional.....well you're right. But I realize I gotta do me. I have to FOCUS on my schoolwork and my happiness. Even though you lose people along the way, you gotta keep pushing with what you got. I'll admit that I lost who I am/was in the past months and I can't go back to that. But I can work on being so much better. And that is my goal for 2011. I'm patching up friendships I ruined and bringing people in my life that simply make me happy. I can't regret what has happen in my past but I can really learn from it. I've been so stubborn and so selfish lately and it's just time to let go of all of that. I love my life and I have been truly blessed.
Never let the most precious thing slip by. Even though I'm still hurt, I can't stay. I knew I had what I wanted, but still I wanted more. I guess I blew it but I'll always have faith. I can't take it. Closure.

"Miss them and love them. Do you think??  Well think again and again...................are they loving you?"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Just sayin

Being in love with someone and having someone love you are two very different feelings.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Going home for the weekend! As much as I love Chicago....going home is always a nice feeling. I love seeing my family and seeing my friends. I don't have a busy weekend planned so if you're reading this...and you're in the O...HIT ME UP!

I'm looking forward to DRIVING. Living in the city is great and all, but to keep me from driving for weeks at a time is just torture. I want my music bumpin in the background! Can't wait to see my little sister dance in Frolics this year either! I'm just ready to kick it and have a good time before I come back to school and constantly work till GLORIOUS spring break =). What else is in store? NO CLUE.

Crap, it's almost 5am....Tonight was fun =)



"Truth is still absolute. Believe that. Even when that truth is hard and cold, and more painful than you've ever imagined. And even when truth is more cruel than any lie."

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I FAIL at trying to sleep early..

So what's on your mind?

Well...School sucks =) I had a horrible start to the semester and got behind in all of my work. But I am catching up. Hopefully by spring break I'll be right back in there. HA.

I miss driving.

Can't wait till Friday.

I want baseball season to start. GO CUBS GO

Does anyone even play defense in the NBA?

I'm watching the OC..

I want warm weather.


I'm addicted to the song sweet child of mine for some reason at the moment

I heard John Mayer is a douche

I'm in a boxing class! lookin ass..

Body is being awoken.


that's all for now.

miss you

love you


"Check out mah mojo"

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lessons learned

I have learned sooo much about myself these past couple months. Things that I can control, and things that I can't. At one point of this past year, I was so down but comfortable with where I was going and what I wanted to do. Obviously things change. You soon realize YOUR happiness must come first and you have to take care of yourself. I acted on that feeling, and I had it all. I felt happiness and the feeling that I can take down anything obstacle that came my way. I was leaving for Chicago in a couple weeks at this point wanting to start another life that I can build with the one I was finally happy with...

Lesson 1
I think way too much. It honestly scares me how I can over analyze the smallest thing possible. Sometimes it's a good thing, like in the classroom. But in a relationship,frendship, or whatever it is, it may just hurt you. Am I working on it? Kinda. I can't help it sometimes. I'm learning to live day by day and TRUST the ones I love. That's all I can really do.

Lesson 2
I let my emotions get the best of me. When I'm upset, I feel like it's a different me coming out. I say things I don't mean, I tend to get negative about life, and I'm a baby. REAL TALK. This is something I have been working on. Why? Because it's not worth  the hurt. It's just another trust issue.

Lesson 3
I learned how to be a better friend/boyfriend/brother/son. How? BEING HAPPY. It's so simple and so many people have told me to just be happy. Wish I listened sooner.

Lesson 4
I don't get over things easily. If there's a problem, it lingers in my mind for weeks, maybe months. I can't help that. If I care for something so much, I can't let go that easily. And it surprises me that some people can. I don't envy that.

Lesson 5
I'm very humble and strong. I love my life and everyone in it. I've taken things for granted and learning to love the little things that come my way. I'm staying positive.

Yes I know........lame entry ;) but atleast I mean it.


"save me"

Monday, February 7, 2011

Life unexpected

I was told that writing everything down can help you in deal with whatever you're going through. I honestly don't how that works, but I guess I can give it a shot.

 I am currently attending Roosevelt University in Chicago. Great school, fantastic city, and very unique people. Things you don't see everyday in my hometown down in southern Illinois. I'm am studying elementary education then hoping to get my masters in higher education. What am I gonna do with all that? I wish I knew. College has been one crazy ride. I have transferred two times and have been to three schools in my three years. That list includes: SIUC, SWIC, and now Roosevelt. I don't know why I can never make up my mind about schools, maybe I'm just picky, or scared to settle, I don't know.  Am I transferring next year? HA..depends on the circumstances that may lie ahead me. Not looking forward to any of that. My wish is to stay in Chicago, I can't get enough of this place. There is SOOOO much to do and SOOOO much to see, I just wish I had the money to do it all! So plan is to STAY, which will be nice since I have been starting over every fall since 2008. Cross your fingers ;)

My friends and family, like most, mean EVERYTHING to me. I'll admit I have taken them for granted at times, but that just happens in life I guess. My parents have been so supportive of me when it comes to my education and life in general. Especially my mom. The way she takes care of my family is unbelievable. She always puts us first and never lets me down, something I really admire in her. My dad is just goofy. He is mostly very quiet and to himself, but when he starts talking, you may find him hilarious. My three sisters are very bright and very smart. I love hanging out with them and annoying them in every way possible. They always have their words of encouragement for me and always supporting me. Without them, my life would be oooh so boring.

I miss my friends back home. More about them later =)

I guess this is my first post. I mean, if you didn't know this much about me..I'm sure you'll find out more. Or you can just ask me. hahaha out.


"Sometimes it's easy to feel like you're the only one in the world who's struggling, who's frustrated, unsatisfied, or barely getting by. But that feelings a lie. And if you just hold on, you'll find the courage to face it all for another day and someone, or something, will find you and make it all okay. Because we all need a little help sometimes. Someone to help us hear the music in our world, to remind us that it won't always be this way. That someone is out there, and that someone will find you."